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Missouri Department of Transportation & Missouri State Highway Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

Applying for retirement is a 2-step process.
The 2-Step Retirement Process gives you more time to make retirement elections and allows MPERS to provide you with easier-to-understand information to make informed decisions.

Step 1: Notice of Retirement

To start the retirement process, you must submit a completed Notice of Retirement to MPERS. For your convenience, the Notice of Retirement may be 1) submitted online through Secure Member Access, or 2) downloaded and mailed to MPERS. This form provides MPERS with your intended date of retirement and your spouse’s date of birth (if married). MPERS will use this information to generate the appropriate benefit estimate(s) and individualized Retirement Election Form.

Step 2: Retirement Election Form

MPERS will send you an individualized Retirement Election Form and benefit estimate(s) in the mail. The election form will show all retirement options for which you are eligible (e.g. benefit payment option, BackDROP, etc.). The benefit estimate(s) will provide the information needed to make informed decisions.